My next latest creation is this Voodoo/Hoodoo Doll. It is 10" tall and created from scratch with real vintage human hair and adornments. It comes with two antique puncture pins and extra little black safety pins to attach personal items. This one is available and I have more of these dolls at my shop and on the curiosity section of my website, each one is different and can be made to order if you have an idea in mind. Email me if you are interested adding one to your altar. One just went to a new home in Canada. Sometimes when I am making them, I picture women with ex's in mind, and recently one of these women came into my store after just spending hours in mediation with her ex husband in the Court House across the street from my shop. Apparently her ex was a real SOB and a full time liar to boot. She was thrilled to find a doll like this and said she will be using it for her therapy!
Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails - that's what little boys are made of For those of you that didn't see this jar on my old blog, I decided to post it again to share since it was such a special find. -- Last month I was at a tiny mountain flea market and came across this jar of goodies. It is an older large peanut butter jar filled with real snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails. The story of this jar goes like this; It was found in the rafters of an old man's garage. He said years ago after having 6 daughters, he wanted a son. He went to visit a local mountain woman and she made up a spell of sorts for him. This jar is part of the spell. Shortly after she gave him the jar, his wife became pregnant and had a son. Now his son is grown but gay and because his son ended up being gay, he didn't want that jar around anymore................so now the magical jar resides in my kitchen with the rest of my specimens......